Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

It seems that all I blog about is my February lady sweater, but that is where my efforts have been lately. She is coming along nicely - one sleeve is done and I have one to finish (almost done there too). Once that is done, I can go back and finish the bottom edge. I was afraid that I'd run out of yarn (oblique reference to my not having the latest version of the pattern, doggone it), so I decided to do the sleeves and go back to the bottom! Here's her most recent photo:

February Lady Sweater WIP 022209

Since this was taken, I have done about 3 or 4 more inches on the left sleeve. :) yeay!

On another fibery note, I ran across a deal and could not resist - look at this skein - lovely, eh? I bought Kaleidoscope's last 3 skeins for a steal and then was able to get 2 more from the producer. I have enough for a good size project when I decide how to best show it off!
The Shearer's Yarn in Turquoise

Today is Tuesday, actually Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday, but it is also knit night - I hope nothing comes up that will interfere with my attending. It seems that about all I can manage lately is every other or every third week... I miss the folks!

Also, today is Jane's birthday - go by and wish her a happy one, ok? Her post today talks about some meetings she's been to lately and about getting to meet Marc Brown, author of the wonderful Arthur books that spun into a great PBS cartoon series. We loved Arthur in my house and I still do (although the almost 17 yo man-child would probably not admit it).
Just for fun, here's a pic for you!


Amanda said...

The Feb Lady is looking lovely.

Sue said...

I like that sweater. Of course, you did use one of my favorite colors to make it.

Alpaca Granny said...

Gorgeous sweater

Your Love Life is Like Casablanca
"Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time."

For you, love is never finished. If you've loved someone once, you'll always love them.
You're an old fashioned romantic... even if your relationships don't end up as romantic as you'd like.

Your love style: Traditional and understated

Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Complicated and ambiguous