It seems that all I blog about is my February lady sweater, but that is where my efforts have been lately. She is coming along nicely - one sleeve is done and I have one to finish (almost done there too). Once that is done, I can go back and finish the bottom edge. I was afraid that I'd run out of yarn (oblique reference to my not having the latest version of the pattern, doggone it), so I decided to do the sleeves and go back to the bottom! Here's her most recent photo:
Since this was taken, I have done about 3 or 4 more inches on the left sleeve. :) yeay!
On another fibery note, I ran across a deal and could not resist - look at this skein - lovely, eh? I bought Kaleidoscope's last 3 skeins for a steal and then was able to get 2 more from the producer. I have enough for a good size project when I decide how to best show it off!
Today is Tuesday, actually Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday, but it is also knit night - I hope nothing comes up that will interfere with my attending. It seems that about all I can manage lately is every other or every third week... I miss the folks!
Also, today is Jane's birthday - go by and wish her a happy one, ok? Her post today talks about some meetings she's been to lately and about getting to meet Marc Brown, author of the wonderful Arthur books that spun into a great PBS cartoon series. We loved Arthur in my house and I still do (although the almost 17 yo man-child would probably not admit it).
Just for fun, here's a pic for you!
The Feb Lady is looking lovely.
I like that sweater. Of course, you did use one of my favorite colors to make it.
Gorgeous sweater
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