Looks a little less scary here, eh?
Sam is a rescued Boxer. Chris's family adopted him several years ago. A year or so before they got him, he was involved in attempting to apprehend a speeding automobile ... ok, he was chasing a car. It stopped and he ran into it, full tilt! You can't see it in either of these two photos, but Sam's muzzle is lopsided due to doggie facial reconstruction. Yep, his sweet face leans to the left when you hold his muzzle in your hands. He is a very sweet boy and thoroughly enjoys his belly rubs!
Like many boxers, he suffers from problems with his hips. Sam gets accupuncture treatments about once a month to manage the pain and increase his mobility.
What a handsome boy! (I have a fondness for the larger, short-haired dogs - hounds, boxers, bulls, rotts...)
Happy DoT, and enjoy the weekend ahead!
He is handsome! I too love a solid, working dog...
he certainly is handsome and he knows it. so straight and proud, didn't know they have hip problems. woofy thursday to you and mr S.
So nice that Sam has a good home! I'm partial to flat faced dogs. I think the flat face changes the shape of the brains, or squash it a bit, and the dogs are more spirited.
Thor has had problems with one hip, and we have him feeling much better with glucosamine and chondroitin, served with peanut butter sandwiches for a happy boy. Samson is a very handsome boy, indeed. The first picture looks like he wanted to taste the camera and see if it was food!
What a pretty boxer! Happy DOT!
He is a handsome boy isn't he. Glad he found a good home!
Keep up the great work!
Hmm, acupuncture treatments. I'll have to remember that if Ginger is diagnosed with hip problems.
What a gorgeous boy!
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