Saturday, November 15, 2008

Quizzical? Nah...!

You Are a Dachshund Puppy

Loyal and playful - with a good hunting instinct.

You sometimes go a little crazy and need to chase down a rabbit or two.

I had not taken one of these online quizzes in a while and this one appealed to me for some reason (go figure, right?).

Knitting - oh yes - Christmas is just 40 days away and I hope I'll be ready. I am knitting up several things that I can't really talk about because the recipients may be reading along - let's just say that I have probably bitten off more than I can chew. By the way, does anybody have a pattern for an XBox 360? I figured not, unfortunately. I guess I'll have to find another way to procure one!

River City Knitters meets this morning. I missed last month, so I am looking forward to seeing folks I don't see or talk with often. Today we are going to get a tutorial on knitted edgings - something I have not really explored yet. I need to finish my swatch so that I will have something to knit an edge on, so I better get going.


SissySees said...

Me? A Chow-chow? Nah...

Sorry I missed you - and the group - Saturday! I felt puny until late afternoon...

soulbrush said...

ha ha i'm a beagle pup...awwww yes so lovely!
wish i could join your kinitting club (nothing like this here in london).

Your Love Life is Like Casablanca
"Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time."

For you, love is never finished. If you've loved someone once, you'll always love them.
You're an old fashioned romantic... even if your relationships don't end up as romantic as you'd like.

Your love style: Traditional and understated

Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Complicated and ambiguous